大家肯定有疑问:难道mum's word不是“妈妈的话”?这里的mum和妈妈没有关系哦~它原意指的是被捂住嘴后发出的"mmm..."的声音,表示不愿意或不能说话~那mum's the word的意思大家应该已经猜出来了吧~它表示保密!
这个习语来自于莎士比亚的《亨利六世》 。Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.直接翻译是:闭上嘴巴,啥也不说,除了保持沉默 。于是,mum is the word就从句子中提取出来,用在提醒别人保持沉默,恪守诺言的语境 。
其中的"mum"是"momme"的俚语说法,在中古英语中是“保持沉默”的意思 。"mum"的这层意思,是由"murmur"--“哑剧演员”发展而来 。
A boy presents a handkerchief he made for his mother at a kindergarten in Hefei, capital of East China's Anhui province, May 9, 2013. Children made cards, handkerchiefs and other gifts for their mother to celebrate the coming Mother's Day. [Photo/Xinhua]
“I won the lottery!”Paul whispered in his wife's ear.
“我中彩了!”保罗在妻子的耳边悄声说 。
“Don't breathe a word!”
“Okay,honey;mum is the word.”
“好的,绝对不讲出去 。”
那么,当别人跟你说Mum's the word让你给他保密时,除了Yes还可以怎么回答得更加真诚呢?
I won't say a word.
我保证对谁都不说出去 。
I won't say anything.
我什么都不说 。
My lips are sealed.
我的嘴很紧 。
当然可能有些大嘴巴,忍不住就说出去了,通常开场白是这样的:我跟你说件事,你不要告诉别人哦!然后就开始泄露秘密了 。
I'll level with you.
好吧,我就直说吧 。
I have a confession to make.
有件事我一定要坦白 。
Well, as a matter of fact...
It was a slip of the tongue.
无意中说漏了嘴 。
Really? Didn't she know about it?
I spilled the beans.
我泄露了秘密 。
I stuck my foot in my mouth.
我把不好/失礼的事说出去了 。
【Mum's the word意思是“妈妈的话”? are是什么意思】A lucky photographer has managed to capture these adorable images of the playful first moments in the lives of young polar bear cubs, Feb 6, 2014. [Photo/IC]
不过做人嘛,还是要有分寸和底线的 。当你忍不住要说出去的时候,就想一想:别人跟你说这个秘密的时候,有多信任你吧!
另外,我们整理了一份和妈妈有关的表达 。
01 Mummy's boy
Mummy's boy指的是:很听妈妈的话,什么事情都让母亲来做主,而自己毫无主见的男生或者成年男性 。也就是我们常说的“妈宝男”!
Don't marry him! He's just a mummy's boy.
别嫁给他!他就是一个妈宝男 。
Tim is a mummy's boy. He left his girlfriend because his mother didn't like her.
提姆是一个妈宝男,因为他妈妈不喜欢他的女朋友,所以他离开了对方 。
02 everyone and their mum
Everyone and their mum:
每个人和他们的妈妈 ×
大多数人,很多人 √
Everyone and their mum is going on a vacation, but I have to work.
大家都要休假了,可我还得工作 。
03 stay-at-home mom
Stay-at-home mom:大家应该很好猜出来是什么意思吧?呆在家里不外出工作,全身心在家带宝宝的妈妈,也就是“全职妈妈” 。
Being a stay-at-home mom is as much hard work as going to an office everyday.
全职妈妈和每天出去工作一样辛苦 。
John: So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom?
约翰:我们来谈谈女性在社会中的角色 。你是全职妈妈还是职场妈妈?
Sarah: Well, I guess I'm both. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and I'm on six months of maternity leave.
萨拉:嗯,我想我两者都是 。目前我在休产假,我正在休为期6个月的产假 。
John: What does that mean?
Sarah: So maternity leave is when you have a job but then you become pregnant or you're going to have a baby, maybe adopt, too. So you're going to have a baby, and so you take time off of work to stay home with the new baby.
萨拉:产假是指你有工作,不过因为你怀孕了或者即将生产,或是领养,在你要生产的时候,你可以休假,留在家里照顾孩子 。
04 mother's knee
At your mother's knee直译过来是“在你妈妈的膝上”,而实际要表达的是:幼年时或是儿时学到的技能,比如画画,钢琴,舞蹈这些启蒙技能 。
I learnt to paint at my mother's knee.
我在幼年时学会了涂色 。
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