英语作文不会写怎么办用英文表达,你可得高分英语作文这样摆脱“没词写 有词不知怎么写”模板的困扰

责任编辑译者给学生诗歌创作一则如下表所示前提的英文题目 。请你以罗震光的为名,以“博爱、协力”为主轴的协助贫困家庭小孩助学捐献贵重物品,写一则英文引言谈及:你捐献了甚么,为甚么捐献这些贵重物品,和结论和体会是甚么 。
提示信息词汇:donate(捐献), book, schoolbag, clothes, toy, help, proud
Dear Editor from English Club,
I write you a letter in reply to you asking students to tell you about story on donating charity for rural-poverty children.
①They are to give two jackets and a new schoolbag together with ten books and toys, having been brought locally delicious dishes/food which my mother cooked for them.
②The jackets and dishes/food could help them develop physically, so could books and toys intellectually and morally.
③Above donation turns them favourable for quickly becoming good children or students helpfully, enabling them to be inspired, through mental and physical necessity, to work hard at their vitally healthy growth.
④Combining with above, I consider my action as proving really proud of achievement in valuable help to them to perform a fundamental duty doing my best for children. Its action would get socially respected for meeting charity standards morally to watch happiness world become bright.
【英语作文不会写怎么办用英文表达,你可得高分英语作文这样摆脱“没词写 有词不知怎么写”模板的困扰】Yours Truly,
LIJIN, one of students with Student Union from this school
从前述英文题目能窥见:①“你”捐献了甚么(主轴:科蛛助学),②为甚么捐献这些贵重物品,和③结论和④体会是甚么,这四个难题均按英文方法论观念思路——“②其原因←①主轴(科蛛助学)→③结论→④体会”——作出了明晰的阐释而解决了阐释观点,因此有效地彻底摆脱了英文模版的负面影响(即:抄模版套箴,如:as far as I am concerned, …on the one hand …; on the other hand…firstly, secondly, lastly…)及英文飞速“形散而神不散”观念模式负面影响,更是彻底摆脱了“英文没辞汇写,有辞汇无人知晓是不是写”的难题 。
前述英文题目抒发得:精确、easier而细密 。
精确是:紧贴主轴,如写清楚①提示信息内容、②其原因、③结论和④体会 。
easier是:合乎英文语句抒发的生活习惯比如英国剑桥大学规定的25个英文生活习惯抒发句(五个字词或其扩展句)或其句法含77种“暗方法论”的抒发形式 。
细密是:没有一个单字、或词组或语句是专业术语,因此方法论明晰靠的是几层接着几层逻辑推理,合乎“英文是方法论词汇;不是模版词汇,方法论是英文的灵魂”之基本原理要求,诗歌创作英文就OK了 。
这般顺理成章让学生得最高分即使最高分 。其中需要训练关键步骤是:前述英文题目基本原理扫上了更要会写了,才是醉拳 。如换一个“节约用水”主轴写英文题目道理也是这般 。
用“②其原因←①主轴(节约用水)→③结论→④体会”方法,试一试写一则英文题目能给你修改成一类得最高分即使最高分的杰出英文文因此源于英文诗歌创作最高分守护者梦想,伟大观念方法论奋斗——写出星毛杰出英文前文文 。英文题目最高分圆梦,大学生便这样轻松地称扬了!你只须最高分,英文题目便彻底彻底摆脱了“没词写,有词无人知晓是不是写”的模版所苦 。
